Wind Chill: 42.2C
Wind Speed: 9.9 kts
Well, I thought I had procrastinated enough to where I wasn't going to get a camera down here that would take decent pictures. Wouldn't you know I was wrong!! While Cully and I were on vacation, Evan filled in for us, and on his way out of Christchurch stopped by a couple camera stores and purchased a camera that he, Cully and I had talked about over the weeks he was here. He found a really nice camera, got two stores in a price war with each other, and handed the camera off to my last hope of getting anything down here before station closing! I just got the camera from Geoff, who is down here to work on the instrument measuring CFCs down here.
So, as promised, I have a few pictures from Snowhenge that you might have seen on Cully's blog already, but I had to try out my camera!

The Easter Island tribute was pretty good, as were the animals, and the RV next to the gas tank (the nozzle already has been put back indoors)...

my favorite, though, is Calvin & Hobbes!!

I got out to ARO, and I still didn't want to put the camera down, so I fired off a couple shots of a group of scientists from Boulder that are taking water vapor measurements while they are here for two weeks.

We have a good portion of tourists that like to come down to the South Pole and camp out, literally...I like to call them squatters!

but some of them do come in style!

We had another (smaller) movie night out at ARO tonight. I had missed the first half of ALIENS on Friday, so I made a few other Polies suffer through what I thought to be the best movie in the series! I went out a little early to set up, do a couple other chores around ARO before people got there, and the tower called to me. I figured...why not!

(I like the zoom on this camera!)

Here's a shot of ARO from the tower, with the water vapor buildings in the background. Man, I can't wait for the sun to come out. It should have about another month before it starts to noticeably get darker, so I should have some time!
There was absolutely nothing worthwhile in this blog entry, save for the fact that I understand now why Cully wouldn't let his camera out of his sight!!
1 comment:
Hey Marc...Good to hear that all is well. Cool images. I really enjoy the EXIT sign.
Keep Warm!!!
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