Wind Chill: -74.6C
Wind Speed: 13.6 kts
Okay, so not quite the week in, week out I thought it was going to be...sorry, I have to play a little catch up here!
Let's go back a couple weekends. Sunday morning, around 830, about eight grown men and women actually got up on their day off, and proceeded into one of the lounges to watch some DVDs. Everybody had a yearning for Bugs Bunny there we were for about three straight hours watching old classics, from "The Barber of Seville" to "The Scarlet P-P-P-Pimpernel". It was awesome!! I think the LepreKhan would have been pleased!
Now we are up to about a week ago...last Sunday, where we had a ping pong tournament, and any and all could participate. It was a knock down, drag out tournament that lasted all morning.

There were plenty of upsets, a few Cinderella stories, and by the time it was all said and done, Bill Stiner walked away with a good chunk of the purse. The morning was full of pancakes, ping pong, and fudge that was made by our PA. It was a combination of light and dark chocolate that was tasty enough to get me to change my all around opinion of fudge!
So that was a weekend ago. Later on in the week, Cully and I launched the first of our plastic balloons to collect ozone data. This was a fun one, was still a dual launch with the meteorological department, but it was a dual balloon. Two plastic balloons tethered together.

Unfortunately, I don't have any pictures of the actual launch, but hopefully there will be some this week when we do the same type of launch again.
The past couple weeks have been good opportunities to take pictures of some auroras,

so I will leave you with some shots that I have been taking, to try and get the optimum settings when the really spectacular nights skies show themselves....

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