Wind Chill: -74.2C
Wind Speed: 7.2kts
Okay, a week has gone by, figured it would be a good time to update you all on something that Cully already has about five days earlier! Midwinter Festival...and, yes I will probably use a couple of Cully's photos, too!
Midwinter Festival is a time for a lot of us to realize that we are halfway through our stay down here...and it's a time for the rest to know that they passed the halfway point a while back! Just like Sunset Dinner, the place was decked out with a single long table, bottles of wine,

the lounge had appetizers while we waited for everyone to assemble...

and then it was time to feast! Started off with a salad,

and then came the soup course...pumpkin, with a sour cream swirl. Of course the galley staff had a tribute to Cully and I, which was evident when I got my bowl...

The rest of the meal was delicious, with surf & turf as a main course...a sight to behold

followed by one of the most decadent desserts I have seen...Baked Alaska!!

Dinner was delicious, and I took the opportunity later that night to get a photo with some guys that decided to model their hair style after mine...

The following day, the gym was transformed into a carnival, with games strewn all over the floor...ring toss, putt-putt golf, tarot readings...pretty cool.
Then came the auction,

and there were many items to bid on, from snickers bars, bags of a pie in the station manager's face!

I wound up bidding on a hand made flute, made by one of our heavy equipment operators out of a cherry tree on his property back home...sold for $240. I figured I was justified since the bag of Doritos went for $66!

Soon to follow came the concert, and there was a lot of talent up there! We listened to some vocals to start off with,

and that was followed by the electric guitar groups. The last group, in particular, was really good, and played a lot of high energy music.

During their set, they requested my presence on the floor (and this is where the talent ends...) to dance for one of their songs. Those of you who know me, know I don't dance, well or otherwise, but for some reason it seemed safe to act like a raving lunatic in front of everyone...

apparently there is a u-tube posting, and I'm sure I'll be revealing that to you when I find out what it is! At the end of the night, some kind folks helped polish off the brew, to keep from having to store it of course, and I caught some interesting shadow work...

That weekend was extremely draining, but it was well worth it for what we got to experience!
Since then, we have had some pretty awesome skies, and I hope you enjoy the skies as much as we do down well as some of Cully's entertainment!

Hope everyone is safe and doing what they enjoy!
Capt. Splash
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